This is two announcements in one!

Announcement the first: I’ve joined the team at MKultra games to make Knight and Damsel, a competitive puzzle platformer. I’m very excited about it because this is going to be my first time collaborating with a few of my friends on the team – notably Maggie McLean, another Toronto video game composer. I’m doing the sound design and she is doing the music. Also, the programming lead Andrew Carvalho is a friend I’ve known for a couple years now. It’s great to finally be on a project together! (here is the press release announcing the whole team)

Announcement number two: MKultra is displaying the current build of Knight and Damsel at GDC in the OUYA booth. I won’t personally be there this year, but come say hi to Matthew and try it out. Apparently Broken Age will be in the Ouya booth as well and I recommend checking that out too if you haven’t already!